Wednesday, 20 October 2010

We've just returned from a bracing walk on the seawall, one of our favourite routes, with plenty of salty air, wildfowl, saltmarsh and today a fairly chilly northerly breeze too. Having a rare midweek day off we barely saw another person, just the tartist, mabel and myself and a big blue dome of a sky over the Strood Channel.

With the sun much lower now the October light has a quality all of its own, casting much longer more defined shadows and more saturated colours everywhere. And the fluffy clouds and prussian blue sky looked just like the title sequence from The Simpsons!

A rare blog picture of the tartist in her hat with Mabel

1 comment:

mycuriousteaparty said...

It looks sunnier where you are James its grey and overcast just on the other side of your island. Hope your all keeping well.

~ Julie .......Great pictures of the seawall.