Wednesday, 2 July 2008

A Day at the Food Festival

A 'pie' trailer

Sarasparilla ~ very nice with sparkling mineral water

Ostrich or Venison?

My lunch, a chicken dish whos name eludes me


This Sunday I went to the Food Festival in the Castle Park along with Jenny, Holly & Jack, unfortunately Maggie had to work at the Mersea Art Cafe which was a real disappointment as she'd been looking forward to this event for some time and in fairness being the tartist in this partnership a food fest. is more up her street. Anyhow, we persevered on her behalf around the really busy stalls sampling all sorts of tasty (and also bland) morsals as we went.

Some real treats were:~

Frozen Yoghurt from Margaret's Frozen Luxuries who are just up the road in Earls Colne.

Cordials and Presses from James Edwards Botanical Beverage Co.

A Chicken Dish that I can't for the life of me remember the name, but was served with some creamy potatoes with lardons of bacon all of which was cooked in a large pan over a charcoal fire.

Something I always find a disapointment are flavoured cheeses, especially cheddar. At it's best it has be as good as any from around the world, so, why bung cranberries or pineapple or whatever in it...what's that all about? and you can always find them in abundance at these shows. Still, we had a super day in the 'Essex' sunshine which I rounded off with a better-than-average cappuccino from one of those 'nifty' coffee vans equipped with a hand pump espresso machine. I'd love to get my hands on one of those for the artcafe!!

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